Navigating LiderAfrica: Calls, Procedures, and Tools for your University

  International Staff Week  «Navigating LiderAfrica: Calls, Procedures, and Tools for your University» From 8 to 12 of July, 2024. Faculty of Medicine, University of Cadiz The activity is addressed to the staff of the African LiderAfrica partner universities involved in the management and organization of the mobilities, and aims to share information with them about the LiderAfrica initiative as well as...

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[23-24] Complementary resolution of aid granted in the call for Erasmus+ KA171 STT LiderAfrica incoming

You can download the resolution in English or Spanish through the following links: EN / ES. The complementary resolution of aid granted in the call for Erasmus Plus KA171 STT LiderAfrica incoming 2023/2024 is now available. This call is aimed at administrative and services staff, as well as teaching and research staff, from KA171 partner universities of the LiderAfrica Consortium, to conduct...

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[23-24] Resolución complementaria de ayudas concedidas en la convocatoria Erasmus+ KA171 STT LiderÁfrica entrante

Puede descargar la resolución en español o en inglés a través de los siguientes enlaces: ES / EN. La resolución complementaria del plazo abierto de ayudas concedidas en la convocatoria Erasmus Plus KA171 STT LiderÁfrica entrante para el curso 2023/2024 está disponible. Esta convocatoria está dirigida al personal de administración y servicios, así como al personal docente e investigador de universidades KA171...

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El proyecto LiderAfrica, presente en el evento ‘Bridge to Africa’

Con motivo del Día de África, y coincidiendo con el 35 Aniversario de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), su Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización, Movilidad y Proyección Internacional, en colaboración con Casa África, organizó del 21 al 25 de Mayo de 2024 el evento ‘Bridge to África’, en el que más de 200 expertos de todo el mundo se dieron...

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[23-24] ERASMUS+ LiderAfrica Consortium Opens First Call for Incoming Mobility for Staff

Selection List published SP/EN The first call for incoming mobility under the Erasmus+ Consortium LiderAfrica is open. This call is specifically addressed to staff members, both academic and non-academic, from our partner African Universities who are involved in the management of outgoing and incoming mobilities at their institutions. The LiderAfrica Consortium is composed of the Universities of Cadiz, Huelva, La Laguna, and...

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