[24-25] Erasmus+ LiderAfrica Opens First Call for Incoming Mobility for Students

The first call for incoming mobility for students under the Erasmus+ Consortium LiderAfrica is open. This call is specifically addressed to bachelor, master and PhD students from our partner African Universities.

Each partner university is kindly requested to launch their own internal call to select eligible students. The nomination list from each university should be submitted to the LiderAfrica Consortium up to 23rd of October 2024.

For more information, please refer to our detailed guidelines of the call: 

1. Text of the call in Spanish

2. Text of the call in English

3. Annex I – List of African partner universities 

4. Annex II – Nomination letter

5. Annex III – Absence of the conflict of interests 

6. Annex IV – Abstract of research & invitation letter 

7. Annex V – Learning agreement for studies KA171 

8. Annex VI – Erasmus+ KA171 SMS IN funding information ES 

9. Annex VII – Erasmus+ KA171 SMS IN funding information EN 

Proyecto Lider África
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